Lioncom® supports investors including venture capital firms, ISVs and intrapreneurial ventures within large corporations, by:
- Performing technology due diligence evaluations on prospect companies, to identify those with unrecognized technical strengths and those whose software strategy or execution makes them weak prospects.
- Assessing technology strategy and creating technology plans for companies already in a portfolio.
- Creating product development strategies and execution plans that help assure a high return on existing portfolio company investments.

Due Diligence
Evaluation for
Technology Strategy Creation
Product Strategy
and Execution plan |

also creates extraordinary software for demanding clients and challenging
environments. We match software structure and functionality to client
market and financial goals, using an unusual combination of business
vision and rare technical skills.
We serve clients who require tremendously fast response times and
usability that far exceeds conventional applications, as well as those
who seek to bring a superior software product to market. These include:
- Companies performing complex analytics, such as those in financial
services (investment analysis), engineering, the sciences, and systems
level programming.
- Organizations exploring parallel processing options.
- Companies working on delivering software products to mass
markets that need a rare combination of high usability, speed, and quality.

Engineering Services:
Software Architecture
Software Development
