Lioncom services range from strategic guidance on technology to application engineering, as described more fully below:
Strategic Technology Guidance:
Strategic Technology Guidance
Due Diligence/Technology Evaluation for Investors
considering a significant investment in a technology company, it’s essential
to know whether that company’s technology is likely to improve or hinder
its prospects for maximum success over the next three or more years. Building
significant and successful business is often a messy process. New companies
may need to make two or more radical changes in strategy direction before
achieving success. If each of these necessary twists and turns requires a
restart, the impact of time, cost, and loss of competitive position may be
deadly. A company with stellar management may succeed with technology that
is merely acceptable, but making an informed investment decision requires
the degree of risk—or the hidden strengths—inherent in the technology.
Lioncom can evaluate both the technology team and the technology
approach being used, determining whether they have the flexibility to support
business goals as they change over time. We can provide support before the
due diligence stage as well, in assessing potential investment targets in a
particular business space, from a technology perspective. . Our understanding
of the unique interests of investors, combined with our long history of successful
innovation in technology products, ensures thoroughness in the technology aspects
of due diligence.
For owners of software intellectual property portfolios, Lioncom
can extend its evaluation to include recommendations on maximizing the value
of existing IP.
We may find unsuspected value in existing code. We work to maximize the value
of your investments.
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Aligning Strategies
Lioncom strongly believes that the long-term success of a software application
in a demanding environment requires aligning the technical strategy with the
business goals that the company wants the technology to support. Business plans
and processes change over time, and we create technology strategies that address
this fundamental aspect of business development.
Where the intent is to market the software, it must be managed as an investment.
Lioncom can help you develop the core strategy that guides this process, questioning
preconceived technical constraints, providing outside creative vision, and
opening up the business strategy to consider new opportunities. This planning
cuts across more than just the software product itself, to include the general
technology picture of the company overall, and how this supports (or challenges)
the likely delivery and success of products to market. While this process produces
a deliverable document, the real goal is for the process to promote ongoing
dialog and flexibility of thinking in the technology team.
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Technology Product Strategy and Execution Planning
We design plans as if we will have to deliver on them. That
means we build a strong but elastic framework that can accommodate the market
shifts and business modifications that will, and should, occur during the product
development cycle. We have found that the way in which we work makes it easy
for other groups to execute. For some projects and technology teams, simply
introducing certain ideas will produce a “Eureka” moment and provide
sufficient momentum for success. In other situations, we can have periodic
involvement, engaging in “tune-ups” where the technology team decides
how to adapt the plan for emerging developments. In still other instances,
our involvement can extend into partial execution, creating core components
of an overall framework that we maintain, and which the internal team draws
on to deliver on the technology goals. How we work in execution is shaped by
what makes sense given the level of technical sophistication of the internal
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Software Architecture
Lioncom believes that the core architecture of an application in a high-demand environment is critical to its eventual performance and usability. The architecture must be superb to provide the backbone for development over subsequent versions, and to provide flexibility to respond to changing requirements and opportunities without a coding restart. For software applications that are to be sold, the right architecture can provide a potential base for new business ventures in the form of derivative software products.
By creating deeply considered architectures that are consistent with the client's goals and the requirements of the environment, Lioncom facilitates successful versioning over time, and avoids hitting the brick wall of the code restart. This creates a competitive advantage for our clients. We aim for the cumulative effect of our efforts to serve as the base for a product or application life-cycle that will last years, if not decades.
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Software Development
Lioncom’s approach to software development is
characterized by:
Deep questioning. We deeply question and consider all features, and
use common sense in evaluating and implementing requests. Every specification
is a starting point, an opportunity to investigate generalizations
of features, and to explore what is really being requested. This approach
allows for crucial flexibility as later feature requests come in.
Fifty percent of good software product development does not involve
writing code, but rather extracting the client's needs as laid out
in a specification document, or a previous application project, and
transforming it into valuable software. This is not the same as just
coding the wants as laid out in the specification. This type of questioning
is rare in the IT world. Lack of this "translation" and
feature generalization step is one of the reasons software projects
often fail,
or get so inflexible over time that they severely constrain possible
options as business strategy evolves and changes.
Focusing on usability
and user interface design. We believe investment in software
product usability will produce the highest ROI for every dollar
spent. The most important skills for creating high-end usability
are not learned in design school. Usability is not just about the
visible user interface design. It is also concerned with the application’s
overall process flow, and with structuring the application itself
to avoid burdening the end-user with too much information. Good
user interface should, like good industrial design, disappear from
the user's conscious perception. Interface design is about creating
clarity and intuitive function, listening to the client and intended
users—making functionality simpler, not just more pleasing
to the eye. The user only knows that the task they want to accomplish
is easy to do.
Working with all stakeholders. We work with the client’s
internal support groups and user constituencies as appropriate to make
documentation is of a high level, and that there is a constant
dialog between engineering and user or marketing feature requests.
This interaction
is rare and valuable when done well, and can result in engineering
innovations that open up whole new feature possibilities.
upon our own agile methods for creating software. We do “just
in time” management of the application, operating in very
close collaboration with the client’s domain experts. Methodologies
that ostensibly minimize risk by doing more upfront planning
and design can be self-defeating — the added
time to
often means that user or market needs have moved away from the
plan by the time the software is completed. At the same time,
Lioncom believes
that development methodologies need to be flexible to the specific
needs of the current application. We adapt those portions of
the “Agile” techniques
that make sense for the particular initiative, and modify others.
never lose sight of the fact that the value of Lioncom’s
services is in their net positive contribution to the bottom
line. We strongly
believe that Lioncom can produce the most value for a given software
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